The NATO HQ Staff Centre opened its doors in September 2018 and remains the hub for sport, community, and wellbeing at the HQ - the facility is 21,000 square metres. The Staff Centre enables Morale and Welfare Activities (MWA) at NATO HQ; MWA's mission is to enhance the quality of life, promote cohesion and integrity, and to contribute to the physical and mental wellbeing of personnel at NATO HQ.
The Staff Centre is accessible via the North Entrance on Rue Arthur Maes. There is a dedicated Staff Centre carpark, and the facility is wheelchair-accessible.
The HQ NATO Staff Centre is only accessible to HQ badge holders and their visitors. NATO Staff Centre badge applicants are subject to screening by the NATO Office of Security (NOS). Without an access card, you cannot become a member. Authorized individuals can only access the Staff Centre premises during hours of operation.
The NATO Staff Centre is available to external members through the following channels: